Welcoming Innovation and Implementation! Launching SST – Safe and Secure Transport – in Ajuba.

Welcoming Innovation and Implementation! Launching SST – Safe and Secure Transport – in Ajuba.

For the past few days, the buzzword in Ajuba has been SST! The introduction and implementation of a superior transport automation tool has gotten people excited, for due reasons. Travel and Transport to and from work is getting safer, easier and extremely convenient. The proposed upgrade will literally eliminate wait time and make safety guaranteed.


The new system focusses on multiple safety and security features, especially for female employees. Increased control to the in-house transport team will ensure effective monitoring of vehicles, round the clock. Vigilance and Validation of Safety of all employees is at the crux of this system.

Training sessions has been going on in full swing, across facilities. Ajubans have been welcoming the upgrade, learning the nuances of the implementation, downloading the App and testing its working. The coming days will see the launch, successful working and review of SST.

We are upgrading, elevating travel experience and enhancing safety.